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Global Business Media is a UK based B2B (business to business) and B2G (business to government) media company. We produce specialist publications for government, professional, executive and technical audiences, worldwide.


Delivered in print, digitally and online via our user-friendly web platforms, our products are designed to provide users with the facts, figures, data, analysis and opinions they need.


Global Business Media products are designed to give industry professionals, senior executives, engineers and buyers, the technical, scientific and management information they need to complete their jobs more effectively. Our publications and websites include authoritative content, which is designed to aid users in their strategic and operational planning and help them make informed purchasing decisions.



We bring cutting-edge thinking, creative execution and professional excellence to every project, and invest all our attention to understanding not only our clients needs but also those of their customers to the fullest. We believe that by sponsoring content that meets the specific information needs of end users, our clients can position themselves as 'thought leaders' and become  the 'go-to' solution provider in the industries and sectors they serve. Our publishing values and meaningful content allow us to effectively reach and influence some of the most powerful decision makers worldwide.


Our global network of specialist editors, academics, journalists, leading industry commentators and internationally recognised key opinion leaders means that we are uniquely positioned to provide readers with an unparalleled depth of knowledge and insight on specialist subjects, which receive limited coverage in other media.

 The value of the content we produce is intended entirely for the benefit of the reader, which is what makes our Special Reports so successful. We pride ourselves on our unparalleled depth of information across a variety of specialist subjects and the credibility of our content partners depends on it.

 We are honest, open, ethical, and fair. All of our Special Reports are

carefully constructed to provide a unique mix of insight and knowledge from internationally

renowned key opinion leaders,  best practice guidelines, independent data and analysis, and unbiased editorial content. Our partners and readers trust us to adhere to our word, and that's exactly what we do.


Every single project we launch is the culmination of a thorough and intense planning process. We involve anyone on our team that can contribute to the content creation process - from our own editors, technical writers and specialists though to external consultants and key opinion leaders. 


Every project we launch starts with the development of a content plan - this ensures that all of the most important issues relating to the subject of your Special Report are covered. Once this has been established, we select the editorial team that’s most suitable to make it happen. We choose every member of your project team with your goals and the information needs of your customers in mind. Then, when the content is completed, we send you the proof for sign-off before distributing it to your customers and potential customers across multiple digital publishing and marketing platforms, online, print, and social media.  

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